Home > Photon Boy adventure > Vol.03 Kid's Science Museum of Photons
Vol.03 Kid's Science Museum of Photons
Photon Boy experiences the mystery and fun of light in the science museum of light!!
This is the science museum of light constructed with the theme “The world is full of light and light is full of mysteries.” Even in Japan such a place is rare and unusual. Do you know this museum? This is the Kid's Science Museum of Photons, located in Kizugawa City in Kyoto Prefecture and managed by Kansai Photon Science Institute, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Japan. This is a special place where you can “see, touch and play” with the various technologies that use light and find out about the nature of light itself. This is also a big place! It comes equipped with a lot of attractions including experience-based exhibition zones full of ideas, movie theaters and even hands-on workshop corners. I, Photon Boy, spent a whole day here learning all kinds of brand new things about light. If you want to know about light then this is by all means the place to see, and I hope you will visit over and over again.

“Rediscovery of Light” zone for leaning about light from the sun and its benefits for mankind
In this corner, I rediscovered the plentiful benefits of the sunlight that is all around us and we take it for granted. The light from the sun is what shapes all life on Earth. Human culture, human lifestyle and the arts have made remarkable advances since man started to make use of light as “lighting.” All of these good things came along with light and this corner made me once again feel how magnificent light is.

“Science of Light” zone and “Light Technology” zone help understand the properties of light and how to use those properties
In the “Science of Light” zone, you can experience mysteries of light found through advances in the natural sciences! I operated devices that reveal basic behavior of light such as reflection, refraction, and interference while feeling it with my body at the same time. The “Light Technology” zone showed me how we make use of light by way of many examples mostly centering on laser technology. It was great!

Other displays and events
Besides displays and exhibits, the building also contains a “Laser Laboratory” light experiment show and a “Video Hall of Light” featuring a full-dome movie screen. The experiment time and movie play times are on a fixed schedule, so be sure not to miss it!

Do you want to know more about the Kid's Science Museum of Photons?
http://www.kansai.qst.go.jp/kids-photon/ *Japanese