Home > Photon Boy adventure
Photon Boy adventure

Cast a spotlight on the front lines of science!
Photon Boy devotes himself to reporting photonic researches in various fields.

Vol.8 Special Appearance in Italian Comic?! Episode 2 Photon boy made a special appearance in Italian scientific adventure comic. Let’s Find out what happened in his new adventure!

Vol.7 Special Appearance in Italian Comic?! Episode 1 Photon boy made a special appearance in Italian scientific adventure comic. Let’s Find out what happened in his new adventure!

Vol.06 Hamamatsu Science Museum Mirai-ra The City of Monozukuri (inventiveness and manufacturing) - Hamamatsu City in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. What does science have to do with monozukuri? Brief report on the “Hamamatsu Science Museum Mirai-ra”

Vol.05 Hida Space Science Museum KamiokaLab Brief report on “Hida Space Science Museum KamiokaLab” that opened in Kamioka Town in Hida City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan, where some of the world’s most advanced space research are happening!

Vol.04 Global Gallery at the National Museum of Nature and Science Let’s take a look at a permanent exhibition “Exploring the Structure of Nature” in the Global Gallery at the National Museum of Nature and Science (Tokyo).

Vol.03 Kid's Science Museum of Photons Spend a whole day playing in a museum where you can learn about light. Let's take a look at the Kid's Science Museum of Photons in Kizugawa City, Kyoto Prefecture in Japan.

Vol.02 GSA (Geo Space Adventure) I got to take part in the GSA (Geo Space Adventure) held in the town of Kamioka in Hida-city in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. I learned a little about the history of the Kamioka-mine and even got to sneak into the super-advanced Neutrino Research Facility!

Vol.01 “IYL2015” commemorative ceremonies 2015 is the year of the “International Year of Light and Light-based technologies.” The actions to share the importance of “Light and Light technologies” for the further development are taken all over the world. I too joined the anniversary events held in Paris and Tokyo!