Home > Photon Boy adventure > Vol.02 GSA (Geo Space Adventure)
Vol.02 GSA (Geo Space Adventure)
Photon Boy explores an underground world at Kamioka-mine!
The GSA is a science event held every summer at the Kamioka Mine located in the town of Kamioka in Hida-city in Gifu Prefecture. This event was held on July 17 and 18th in 2015. I was lucky enough to take part in GSA 2015 and so I can give you a brief report on what it is all about!
The time when large scale mining dug up ores and minerals from the Kamioka-mine is now over, but the fact that the area has minimal natural background radiation and a large mine shaft space available has brought the mine a comeback in the form of the Astrophysics Experiment Facility. Facilities such as the Kamioka Observatory, operated by the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research at the University of Tokyo are located here and carry out the cutting edge astrophysics research on neutrinos and dark matter, etc.
The Kamiokande Experiment Facility which first started making observations in 1983 is especially famous for a major discovery in 1987 by detecting neutrinos originating from a supernova explosion occurred in nearby galaxy called the Large Magellanic Cloud. This discovery led in 2002 to the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Koshiba Masatoshi a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Tokyo. If you are someone who likes science, then this is a really special place you don’t want to miss.
So what kind of place is the town of Kamioka?
Taking part in the GSA 2015 mine exploration tour
Finally entering the underground world and into Kamioka-mine
Kamioka-mine and the overwhelming power of heavy drilling machinery!
On to Super-Kamiokande for the cutting-edge neutrino research!
Check out these other websites for more detailed information on GSA and Super-Kamiokande, etc.
GSA [GEO SPACE ADVENTURE] http://gsa-hida.jp/ *JapaneseInstitute for Cosmic Ray Research at the University of Tokyo, Kamioka Observatory http://www-sk.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-e.html
Hida-city http://www.city.hida.gifu.jp/ *Japanese
Hida Academy http://www.hida.academy/index.html *Japanese