Home > Photon Boy adventure > Vol.7 Special Appearance in Italian Comic?! Episode 1
Vol.7 Special Appearance in Italian Comic?! Episode 1
Leo, Alice and the unexpected X-ray event -Episode 1-
I made a special appearance in an Italian comic created by INFN* Kids!!! Leo and Alice are the protagonists in this awesome scientific adventure comic. You can discover the incredible properties of X-rays by playing quizzes and games with my new Italian friends. It’s exciting all the way to the end. Are you ready for a new adventure?
*INFN, the National Institute for Nuclear Physics, is the Italian research agency dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the laws that govern them. INFN-Kids is an initiative funded by the Third Mission Coordination Committee (CC3M) of INFN. Its goal is to raise the interest of primary and lower secondary school students in physics.
INFN Kids https://web.infn.it/infn-kids/
*INFN, the National Institute for Nuclear Physics, is the Italian research agency dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the laws that govern them. INFN-Kids is an initiative funded by the Third Mission Coordination Committee (CC3M) of INFN. Its goal is to raise the interest of primary and lower secondary school students in physics.
INFN Kids https://web.infn.it/infn-kids/

Quiz (1)
Who is waving at Leo? A new or an old friend? First, let’s identify his shape linking the shadow to the correct image.

Quiz (2)
It is time to learn who the mysterious character is.
Let's solve the anagrams and copy the letters in the coloured blocks to the right: you will get his name!

Quiz (3)
Leo, Alice and Photon Boy reached the laboratory. As usual, the lab is a little messy, so our protagonists do need your support to rescue the necessary equipment to create a device that can help Leo!
Let's identify the objects in the following picture.

Click here to read the second episode.